Here is an about me section written by Bing’s AI Chatbot because I’m a terrible writer:

Hi, I'm [your name] and welcome to my website! I'm a media enthusiast who loves to create and share content that inspires, entertains, and educates. Whether it's image manipulation, video editing, acting, streaming, photography, or vfx, I enjoy expressing myself through various forms of media and learning new skills along the way.

I'm also a proud stay-at-home dad to a wonderful child with autism who teaches me something new every day. I work part-time in retail but my dream is to work in media full time and make a positive impact on the world through my passion.

On this website, you'll find some of my projects, portfolio, blog posts, and more. Feel free to browse around and contact me if you have any questions, feedback, or collaboration ideas. I'd love to hear from you and connect with other like-minded people.

Thank you for visiting and I hope you enjoy my website!

It’s actually true, just better than anything I could write. The only other thing I’d add would be that the biggest reason for following this path is that I have always been an avid fan of media of all forms. I have seen so many movies and shows and YouTube Videos and Twitch streams… And I just… I want to be a part of all of it. I want to create, I want to explore, I want to entertain. And with this site, I invite you to join me on my journey.

Thank you for visiting 🙂